Follow My Simple Decluttering Rule & Live Clutter-Free


Today, I’m going to be talking about The Power of the 1-5-1 Rule to declutter and organise your home once and for all!

This is nothing new, I’ve written about it before, so I thought I’d follow up with easy to read blog post highlighting the power of this rule.

When you look around your house and feel overwhelmed, you might be wondering where do I start and how do I start. It’s easy to get caught up with how long everything will take and so you do nothing at all. Perhaps you’re forever waiting until you have an hour or so to really focus on the areas that need attention in your home.

The reality is that while you’re in the overwhelm mindset that hour will never come, and of course your tasks or clutter build up. The more they build up, the more you’re likely you will avoid doing anything at all. And often when we aim for big change in our lives, it just becomes a disappointment as each day passes with little or no change.

Shawn Anchor, the author of Bringing the Science of Happiness to Life said “Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.”

As I mentioned earlier, when your home is filled with clutter, trying to tackle a mountain of stuff can be overwhelming.

So, here’s my advice: follow the 1-5-1 rule every day. Baby steps are important. Sure, five minutes will barely make a dent in your mountain, but practiced every day your mountain will become a molehill.

What is the 1 – 5 – 1 rule?  Declutter one room, every day for 5-minutes for 1 month. You make one area your focus.

Doing something small that only takes five minutes a day may seem trivial but track it over a period of time and you’ll begin to see and feel the momentum it gains.

Then take another five minutes tomorrow. And another the next day. Before you know it, you’ll have cleared a whole closet or a room and then half your house and then … who knows? Maybe before long your house will be the clutter-free haven you’ve been craving. Set your timer and start your decluttering journey with the Power of One-Five- One challenge!

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Peta Di Palma