I’m Peta, mum to one & particularly partial to fresh flowers!

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I’m northern beaches born + bred, but my heart lies in helping women in homes across Sydney. I’m a single mum to one & a passionate educator. My guilty pleasure is loving him unconditionally & dreams of again owning my own home.

After an emotionally fraught childhood, I’ve made it a priority to encourage others. Teaching my clients how to live a more purposeful life by decluttering, organising + styling & creating a home they never want to leave. They’re own guilty pleasure.

In 2017, our lives were forever changed. A trusted parents’ deceit cost us our home of 30+ years & everything in it. So, at 53, I dusted myself off & started again.

Our homes represent security, safety, loving connections, relationships, & memories. I soon learnt that we didn’t really need much to survive. I launched my business in the wee hours of the morning from my iPhone in our makeshift bed in the back of my car. Over time, I slowly-but-surely built a brand, & secured a new life for my son.


“After my experience, my burning desire is to help women create a beautiful life & home that not only reminds them of their worth, but inspires them to live fearlessly while feeling empowered to be nothing short of audacious.”    

That lightning bolt a few years ago, led me to the business I now call Ship Shape Shack. Today, you can find me diving heartfirst helping women reclaim their lives, starting with their homes. Inspiring them to live more + stress less because YOLO and no matter how we slick it…life’s too short!

If I can be that conduit, that ooey-gooey-almost-too-good-to-be-true bestie that whispers: “You’re worthy of a magnificent life + home that nourishes your higher self” while the rest of the world is provoking doubt . . . then, I’ll consider my job done.

Whether I’m getting you organised, or styling your dream home, together we’ll walk hand-in-hand. Take risks. Explore uncharted territory. Dare greatly + start living life to the fullest.

I’m a single working mum to one. I use Pinterest & Instagram like it might not be there tomorrow, I worship alone time, and I think chocolate after dinner is dreamy.

When it comes to being a mum, stylist, organiser + entrepreneur there always seems to be a question about how women can have it all. Some might, but I don’t! I do my best + live with the rest!

Life can be relentless. ISO + scaling my business online, or helping my son with assignments, the never ending to-do-list, endless piles of laundry, meetings + the other zillion things that might come my way during the week, day, hour or second to try and overwhelm me. I’ve got this!

Instead of feeling out of control, I find comfort in asking for help. I focus on self-discipline like my life depends on it. And, I strive to feel centred amidst the uncertainty.

Because all of these things …are simply life’s lessons + unfolding discoveries.

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 “I dream everyday about the infinite ways I can help other women ‘live with purpose’ by simplifying + styling a home that hugs their heart.”

— Peta Di Palma (Our Founder)
