The Killer Floor Cleaner

Okay, so it won’t kill you or the kids, and only your husband if you make him clean the floors, (if I could add a LOL emoji, it would be here!) but it will kill many of the nasties commonly found in your home. 


It all starts with the ever-humble Eucalyptus globulus. This little powerhouse is responsible for its various antimicrobial capabilities, and was traditionally used as an antiseptic and for the treatment of respiratory tract infections like bronchitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, current research and studies suggest it’s far more effective than initial test results indicated and offers antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties that kill within a few minutes of contact.  


Eucalyptus and tea tree combined, knocked out the influenza A virus strain within 5-10 minutes of contact.


This killer floor cleaner is a far better alternative than the chemical laden alternatives and as scientific research proves, it does a darn good job of nuking the nasties that can thrive in your home. Many recipes call for a dash of vinegar, however, I personally don’t recommend using it as it


·      1 capful of organic Eucalyptus essential oil

·      10 drops of Tea Tree (optional)

·      500ml spray bottle

·      Water



Add 1 capful of organic eucalyptus essential oil to spray bottle and fill with warm water. Gently shack to combine ingredients and spray directly onto floor and mop with a flat mop.


This recipe suits most hardwoods and hard surfaced floors! However, there are always exceptions to every rule. If your floor has recently been installed, please check with your supplier before using. If you have any pre-existing health concerns, please check with your doctor before using, avoid if pregnant, and pop your doggie outside while mopping.

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Peta Di Palma